Sunday, May 10, 2009
"Outrage" Blows Doors Open On Gay Politicians
The movie presents interviews and documents charging that legislators have remained closeted while publicly opposing legislation on gay issues. This includes California GOP Rep. David Dreier, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist and former NY Mayor Ed Koch.
"I don't see it as outing, I see it as equalizing," said Geoff Kors of Equality California, a gay civil rights organization. Some find that the movie goes too far as coming out is a very personal choice. Others note it targets mostly Republicans.
This is kinda cool--pretty ironic, as well, if you ask me.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Got Milk!?!? Seriously!

In Cascade,Wisconsin a Sheboygan County cheese company has reported about 12,000 gallons of milk missing from a silo.Dave Adams the owner told the police that a milk hauler found a cap that seals a pipe connected to the silo on the floor about 12:30 a.m. Monday. Most of the milk went down the sewer and some drained into a boiler room.The milk was last seen in the silo at 6:45 p.m. Sunday. Adams says the loss is estimated at $12,000 to $15,000.The possible suspects include a gang of kittens or a very thirtsy cookie monster.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Man Delivers Baby After Watching It On YouTube
Its not everyday that your wife has a baby. And its not everyday when its you who deliver it at home. What would you do??? Go to youtube for instructions...
Marc Stephens, an engineer from Cornwall, delivered his son after watching a video about it on YouTube. He told reporters, "I Googled how to deliver a baby, watched a few videos and basically swotted up." It was the couple's fourth child.
They had planned an at-home birth, but not like this. His wife woke and realized she was having contractions every 5 minutes, so she told him to call the midwife. The midwife was busy and told them to call an ambulance.
Stephens said his wife was on all fours when he saw the head coming, but delivered 5lb 5oz Gabriel no problem. He later said while for the first child "I spent most of the time at my wife's head, now I'm not afraid to go down to the business end."
This has got to be the worst thing ever if your a guy. Im sure no man could imagine this happening to them. Apparently they never heard of a Hotel room...
A man having an affair with his 30-year-old secretary has had his penis bitten off after a van reversed into his car while she was giving him oral sex. The force of the impact made her bite down, severing part of the organ.
To add insult to injury the entire incident was witnessed by a private investigator hired by the man's wife. He called an ambulance when he saw the woman screaming with blood around her mouth. The man, his manhood, and his lover all went to hospital.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Partially Blind Man With Only One Arm Hits Hole-in-One
Devon: 45-year-old Alan Perrin, a former Royal Marine who had to retire when he was badly wounded by an explosion, has hit a hole-in-one despite having only one arm and only partial sight in one eye.
After playing his opening shot Perrin and his partner spent several minutes looking for the ball on and around the green before deciding to move on so as not to hold others up. The following group found the ball in the hole and called him back.
"I took up golf because it is one sport where the rules are the same if you are disabled," said Perrin. He plays off a handicap of 28.
8-Year-Old Girl Gets Divorce from 50-Year-Old Husband
Saudi Arabia: An 8-year-old girl has been granted a divorce by her 50-year-old husband after her lawyer was able to reach a settlement.
The mother of the child bride claims that the father of her daughter forced her into marriage and had twice unsuccessfully attempted to have a divorce granted through the courts. (SN reported)
According to Saudi law a marriage cannot proceed without the consent of the bride but not all officials enforce this. Human rights groups are pressuring Saudi Arabia to put a stop to child marriages.
Scientists Find Correlation Between Lithium in Drinking Water and Reduced Suicide Rates
Scientists have described the findings as intriguing and have called for further study. In significantly greater doses lithium is used as a mood stabiliser. It is theorised that it may have cumulative effect through the water.
Any move to add lithium to drinking water is likely to provoke lively debate not dissimilar to discussions over the addition of fluoride to water. Researchers say the benefits could be significant but have called for caution and thorough research.
Half of UK Rejects Evolution
A recent survey of 2,060, showed that only around half of the population in the UK believes that evolution is real. Nearly 12% surveyed said they believed intelligent design over evolution while others mixed the two ideas together in their beliefs.
James Williams of Sussex University said, “Evolution is a theory and a fact. You accept it because of the evidence. What the creationists have done is put a cloak of pseudo-science to wrap up their religious belief.”
The survey also found that about 10% believed in the young earth theory where it is thought that the Earth was created by God in the last 10,000 years. The survey was performed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of On the Origin of Species.