Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Outrage" Blows Doors Open On Gay Politicians

A movie coming out today called "Outrage" holds an explosive premise: it blows open the closet door on prominent politicians who have hidden their homosexuality while working against gay causes such as same-sex marriage and HIV/AIDS funding.
The movie presents interviews and documents charging that legislators have remained closeted while publicly opposing legislation on gay issues. This includes California GOP Rep. David Dreier, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist and former NY Mayor Ed Koch.
"I don't see it as outing, I see it as equalizing," said Geoff Kors of Equality California, a gay civil rights organization. Some find that the movie goes too far as coming out is a very personal choice. Others note it targets mostly Republicans.

This is kinda cool--pretty ironic, as well, if you ask me.


  1. It is pretty ironic, your right. Nice blog btw.

  2. I dont get why its such a big deal to be gay?

  3. Its always about gays, i dont know why

  4. Millions of years and mankind has not accented gays... Scary
