Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Surgeons have been astonished by the medical rarity of a 26-year-old man trapped in the body of a two-year-old toddler.
Jerly Lyngdoh: trapped in the body of a two-year-old
Jerly Lyngdoh - who lives with his farmer parents in Meghalaya, northern India - looks like any other tot with his tiny head and delicate 2ft 9ins long body.
But it's only when he opens his mouth to reveal a full set of adult teeth that the truth about the world's oldest baby is revealed.

I thought this was kinda strange. This was posted on UK website Reminds me of the movie Jack with Robin Williams except just the opposite. I thought this type of stuff only happened in movies and books, not in real life. Some people are arguing that this is a hoax and the website should take it down, but they are still claiming it to be real. I don't see why any parent would want to make this kind of stuff up. Anyways, what do you guys think? Hoax or Real?
Woah...that's freaky. I wouldn't doubt that it's real. Some of the scariest medical stuff comes from third world countries.