Monday, April 20, 2009

School Teacher Accused of Taking Students to Strip Club

A female teacher in Hamilton, Ohio has resigned after she was accused of taking some of her students to a male strip club. The 47-year-old teacher admitted to the unorthodox field trip, saying four students were involved.
All four of the students were cheerleaders and in February, they asked their teacher to take them to the strip club. The teacher stated when questioned that she got permission from the parents of all the students involved.

There are no words to describe the stupidity of this . . .


  1. Wow, why the hell would the parents allow this? I don't see any reason how this could be beneficial to students. I'm trying to think of any lesson, at all, that could be learned here, and there really is none.

  2. Thats crazy. I wonder if the 4 students had to get a permistion slip?
